The basic need for up to date knowledge for everyone is the availability of latest books, journals, source of updated focus of student's requirement and fulfillment thereof.
S.No. |
Details |
Number of Books Available |
1 |
Ayurveda |
11481 |
2 |
Modern Medicine and Related Books |
4975 |
3 |
Medical Journals |
50 |
4 |
Others |
480 |
5 |
Total Number Of Books |
16936 |
Our students are benefited from our college library which has authentic and modern medicine books based on syllabus as well as reference books, magazine, journals, audio and video cassettes and CD's.
- Separate library for U.G. students, P.G. students and teaching staff.
- No. of Books - 16873
- We update our library annually by purchasing latest books and journals.
- We have internet facilities to our students.
- Digitalized library records on latest software.
- College runs its own journal to provide the latest and necessary information needed for the student
- Registered in Digitalized Library of M.U.H.S., Nashik.
- Separate attachment of Library in the departments and library books for each department form library.
- Journals and magazines of national and international publication
- Library computer with web facility for using latest information and articles from the net.
- Students avail the facility of multimedia CD, VCD, cassettes for viewing and listening important topics.