U.G. Course (B.A.M.S.)

Admission for U.G. Course (B.A.M.S.)

A candidate belonging to Open Category must have obtained not less than 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology at the H.Sc. Examination & A candidate belonging to Reserved Category must have obtained not less than 40% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology at the H.Sc.Examination according to the guidelines of State Govt. & rules & regulations of Pravesh Niyantran Samiti.
A candidate must appear for NEET UG Examination for concern year.

The candidate must be medically fit and age limit is applicable as per guidelines. Eligibility is subjected with the rules & regulations by Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM) & Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS-M.S.) shall take the decision regarding granting of the term and the eligibility of selected candidates. The decision taken by M.U.H.S. will be final & binding on the candidate. Details of Eligibility is available on www.dmer.org


Program Outcomes for Under Graduate Course of Ayurveda-

To Produce a Ayurveda Physician who is capable of functioning independently in both urban and rural environment.

Program specific outcomes for Under Graduate Course of Ayurveda-

To produce graduates of Ayurveda with profound scholarship having scientific knowledge in accordance with Ayurvedic fundamentals with extensive practical training who would be able to become an efficient teacher, research worker and Kaya Chikitsak (Physician) and Shalayachikitsak (Surgeon) competent to serve and render health services.

UG Course Outcomes -

The students are able to diagnose and treat the patients independently with Ayurveda managements.