Anti Ragging Cell

Anti Ragging Cell

Anti Ragging Cell

Pune District Education Association's, College of Ayurved & Research Centre has constituted “Anti Ragging Committee” since 1998 as per norms and guidelines of UGC, CCIM & MUHS, Nashik to achieve “Ragging Fee Campus”. Annually 03 meetings are conducted. Anti Ragging Squad is constituted for surprise visitations of hostels. Online Anti Ragging Undertaking is taken from freshers (I-BAMS) & their parents.

Anti Ragging informative are displayed at canteens, Hostels & Campus of College in which Anti Ragging helpline, phone numbers and websites are mentioned.

Dr. Phadke Jayant J. - M.D (Ayu) Professor & HOD Agadtantra Dept. is deputed as Nodal Officer for Anti Ragging Committee. His contact is 9822615265.