A huge play ground for outdoor games and facility for indoor games is available. The students have been regularly taking part in all sports competitions at inter college, state and district level.


Our students are actively participated in M.U.H.S. Sport event. Every year our students are winners in M.U.H.S. team. The list of winners students is unending.


Teaching Staff :-

Dr. Rajesh Harischandra Mhaske (B.A.M.S., M.D.) Associate Professor


Ayurved believes in all round fitness of a human being and a person with a healthy mind and healthy body, together, is only defined as a complete fit person. So, C.A.R.C. has a separate department of sports under the able guidance and leadership of expert coach's. The department has all the sports equipments needed for practicing various sports like - Chess, Table-tennis, Volleyball and Badminton etc.


The coach's train the selected candidates in a systematic manner which has given us excellent results from time to time, from participation of our students and selection in various zonal to teams playing at national levels. The work and quality was fascinated by Govt. of Maharashtra and sanctioned a grant of Rupees. 2 Lakh's in the year 2000 for contraction of sports ground speaks about the excellence of this department.